Die shot of the 8088 Processor The 8086 Assembler Course Page - Summer 2002

 This page contains links and info regarding the course 121113 Computer Organization and the 8086 Assembly Language at the MTA (The Academic College of Tel-Aviv-Yafo) - Summer 2002 semester.
Some sample files

 Hello world sample in ASM and PDF formats.
 Computation sample in ASM and PDF formats.
 Factorial sample in ASM and PDF formats.
 Linked List sample in ASM and PDF formats.
 Macro1 sample in ASM and PDF formats.
 Macro2 sample in ASM and PDF formats.
 Matrix sample in ASM and PDF formats.
 DFS sample in ASM and PDF formats. NEW


 Exercise 0 in PDF format.
 Exercise 1 in PDF format.
 Exercise 2 in PDF format.
 Exercise 3 in PDF format.

 The final exam took place on Oct 9, 2002. The aux. pages are available here in PDF format.
 A pre-exam class took place on Oct 6, 2002, 17:30, at room 102.
 The final exam is available here in PDF format. The solution is available here in PDF format.

 The course syllabus in PDF format.
 The assembly commands in Hebrew in PDF format.
 Instructions - how to execute TASM in PDF format.


  The TASM IDE program by Yariv Amar. Thanks, Yariv, for this contribution.
  An assembler IDE program by Uri Eshed. Very old, but seems to work.


 Q: How many memory addressing modes exist in the 8086?
 A: There are a total of 17 different legal memory addressing modes on the 8086: disp, [bx], [bp], [si], [di], disp[bx], disp[bp], disp[si], disp[di], [bx+si], [bx+di], [bp+si], [bp+di], disp[bx+si], disp [bx+di], disp[bp+si], and disp[bp+di]. For a complete explanation of the 8086 addressing, refer to the following link: The 8086 Addressing Modes.
 Q: Which addressing modes can I use for command XXX? How many cycles will it take?
 A: The Intel instruction set pages. (notice: some of the commands here are not applicable to the 8086. these commands are noted with [386+], etc.)

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Last updated: Oct 2002.